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How to calculate apparent power in RLC parallel circuit?

By finding "the magnitude of the power supply voltage", "the magnitude of the current flowing in the RLC parallel circuit", and "the power factor of the RLC parallel circuit," the active power , reactive power , and apparent power can be calculated. The apparent power can be obtained by the following equation.

What is the power factor of an RLC parallel circuit?

The power factor of an RLC parallel circuit is the ratio of the impedance magnitude to the resistance and can be obtained by the following equation

How to calculate capacitive reactance of a capacitor?

Step 1. Make a table and record all known values. Step 2. Calculate the capacitive reactance of the capacitor and enter the value in the table. Step 3. Calculate the current flow of the capacitor and enter the value in the table. Step 4. Calculate the reactive power of the capacitor and enter the value in the table.

Why does a parallel R-C circuit have the same impedance?

Figure 6.14 Parallel R-C circuit. Because the power source has the same frequency as the series example circuit, and the resistor and capacitor both have the same values of resistance and capacitance, respectively, they must also have the same values of impedance.

What is the power factor of an RL parallel circuit?

The power factor of an RL parallel circuit is the ratio of the impedance magnitude to the resistance and can be obtained by the following equation

What are the parameters of RLC parallel circuit?

As an example, the parameters of the RLC parallel circuit are as follows. The power factor cosθ, active power P, reactive power Q, and apparent power S of the RLC parallel circuit can be obtained by the following procedure (steps 1 to 4). We will now describe each procedure in turn.

RC parallel circuit, online calculator

Calculator and formulas for calculation of current and power of an RC parallel circuit The calculator calculates current, power, impedance and reactance in the parallel circuit of a …

Calculating Power Factor | Power Factor | Electronics …

Since this capacitor will be directly in parallel with the source (of known voltage), we''ll use the power formula which starts from voltage and reactance: Let''s use a rounded capacitor value of 22 µF and see what happens to our circuit: (Figure …

Power Factor Correction: What is it? (Formula, Circuit & Capacitor ...

Key learnings: Power Factor Correction Definition: Power factor correction (PFC) is defined as a technique to improve the power factor of AC circuits by reducing reactive …

REACTIVE POWER – Applied Industrial Electricity

Incidentally, parallel impedance can also be calculated by using a reciprocal formula identical to that used in calculating parallel resistances. [latex]tag{6.1} Z_{parallel}=frac{1}{frac{1}{Z_1}+ …

RC parallel circuit, online calculator

Formulas for parallel parallel circuit. The total resistance of the RC series circuit in the AC circuit is called Impedance Z. Ohm''s law applies to the entire circuit. Current and voltage are in phase …

Active, Reactive, Apparent and Complex Power

Reactive Power represent that the energy is first stored and then released in the form of magnetic field or electrostatic field in case of inductor and capacitor respectively. Reactive power is …

RL Parallel Circuit (Power Factor, Active and Reactive Power)

Calculate the active power (P), reactive power (Q), and apparent power (S) of the RL parallel circuit

Calculation of Reactive Power of a Capacitor

This post gives is a quick derivation of the formula for calculating the steady state reactive power absorbed by a capacitor when excited by a sinusoidal voltage source.


The ampermeter of the following circuit shows 10A (AC) and the voltmeter 220V (AC).. Furthermore its known that: $$ cosvarphi=frac{2}{3} f=50Hz $$ I calculated ...

Parallel RC Circuit | Phasor Diagram | Impedance & Power

Parallel RC Circuit Calculations Example 3. For the parallel RC circuit shown in Figure 6, determine the: Capacitive reactance of the capacitor (X C). Current flow through the capacitor …

Calculating Reactive Power in AC Circuits

Reactive power (Q) is the oscillating energy exchange in AC circuits due to inductors and capacitors, which does not contribute to real power (P).. When the circuit is a DC circuit, we can quickly multiply volts by amps to …

Equations & Formulas For RLC Circuits (Series & …

Related Posts: Analysis of a Simple R-L Circuit with AC and DC Supply Series RLC Circuit: Impedance: The total impedance of the series RLC circuit is; Power Factor: The power factor of Series RLC circuit;. Cos θ = R/Z. Resonance …

RL Parallel Circuit (Power Factor, Active and Reactive …

Calculate the active power (P), reactive power (Q), and apparent power (S) of the RL parallel circuit

Power Triangle and Power Factor

Adding a power factor correction capacitor (for this example a 32.3uF) across the coil, in order to increase the power factor to over 0.95, or 95%, would greatly reduce the reactive power …

Parallel RLC Circuit Analysis

A 1kΩ resistor, a 142mH coil and a 160uF capacitor are all connected in parallel across a 240V, 60Hz supply. Calculate the impedance of the parallel RLC circuit and the current drawn from the supply. Impedance of a …

Equations & Formulas For RLC Circuits (Series & Parallel)

When a resistor, inductor and capacitor are connected together in parallel or series combination, it operates as an oscillator circuit (known as RLC Circuits) whose equations are given below in …

Parallel RC Circuit | Phasor Diagram | Impedance

Parallel RC Circuit Calculations Example 3. For the parallel RC circuit shown in Figure 6, determine the: Capacitive reactance of the capacitor (X C). Current flow through the capacitor (I C). Reactive power of the capacitor (VARs). Current …

Active, Reactive, Apparent and Complex Power

Reactive Power represent that the energy is first stored and then released in the form of magnetic field or electrostatic field in case of inductor and capacitor respectively. Reactive power is given by Q = V I Sinθ which can be positive …

Calculating Power Factor | Power Factor | Electronics Textbook

Since this capacitor will be directly in parallel with the source (of known voltage), we''ll use the power formula which starts from voltage and reactance: Let''s use a rounded capacitor value of …

Active, Reactive, Apparent and Complex Power

Reactive Power Formulas: Q = V I Sinθ; Reactive Power = √ (Apparent Power 2 – True power 2) VAR = √ (VA 2 – P 2) kVAR = √ (kVA 2 – kW 2) Where: ... Inductor consumes reactive power …

3.3: Parallel Impedance

By working the capacitive reactance formula in reverse, it can be shown that the reactive portion of (− j161.9 Omega) can achieved at this frequency by using a capacitance …


From impedance of capacitor $$Z_{c}=frac{1}{jomega C}$$, then the reactance is $$X{c}=frac{1}{omega C}$$ and reactive power is $$Q=I^2 …