Bonded solar cells made of various semiconductor materials are reviewed and various types of wafer-bonding methods, including direct bonding and interlayer-mediated bonding, are described. Additionally, other technologies that utilize wafer bonding, such as flexible cells, thin-film transfer, and wafer reuse techniques, are covered.
First, a novel concept of semiconductor wafer bonding that simultaneously enables bond formation and solar cell implementation was proposed and experimentally demonstrated.
Conceptual illustration of the use of wavelength conversion material–mediated wafer bonding for multijunction solar cell applications. [176, 177] Semiconductor substrates made of materials such as crystalline Si, Ge, GaAs, and InP for solar cells are typically expensive, heavy, thick, and solid.
Recently, fabrication of a simple 2-junction solar cell has been reported by Tanabe et al via direct bonding of GaAs and InP wafers.
Compared to the Si-based and the InGaAs-based dual-junction solar cells, the conversion efficiency of the TJ cell was higher by 32.6% and 30.9%, respectively. This shows that wire bonding and mechanical stacking are useful for increasing the conversion efficiency of multi-junction solar cells. From the J–V curve results, two points can be inferred.
This simple semiconductor bonding scheme, mediated by functional agents that generate built-in subcells, has the potential to enable low-cost, high-throughput production of high-efficiency multijunction solar cells. Cross-sectional scanning electron microscope image of the bonded InP/PEDOT:PSS/Si heterostructure. Reproduced with permission.
Bonded solar cells made of various semiconductor materials are reviewed and various types of wafer‐bonding methods, including direct bonding and interlayer‐mediated bonding, are described.
This paper shows a new semiconductor bonding technology for mechanically stacked multi-junction solar cells. Our strategy is the combination of conductive nanoparticle alignments and …
1. Introduction Perovskite solar cell materials and devices 1 have been of large interest among researchers working with emerging photovoltaic (PV) technologies for the past few years. …
We fabricated a first generation AlGaAs/TCLs/Si 1 cm² tandem cell with TOPCon Si solar cell and PEDOT:PSS-based glue, showing promising results.
A space solar cell bonding robot system which consists of a three-axis Cartesian coordinate''s robot, coating device, bonding device, orientation plate, and control subsystem was studied. A …
Wafer bonding is a highly effective technique for integrating dissimilar semiconductor materials while suppressing the generation of crystalline defects that commonly …
Since the glass provides a rigid support for the cell, methods for fabricating ultra-thin GaAs cells can be employed. These assemblies will provide significant benefits for space and …
We fabricated a first generation AlGaAs/TCLs/Si 1 cm² tandem cell with TOPCon Si solar cell and PEDOT:PSS-based glue, showing promising results.
Bonded solar cells made of various semiconductor materials are reviewed and various types of wafer-bonding methods, including direct bonding and interlayer-mediated bonding, are described. Additionally, other …
Bonded solar cells made of various semiconductor materials are reviewed and various types of wafer‐bonding methods, including direct bonding and interlayer‐mediated …
tages. While various bonding techniques tailored for solar cell applications will be discussed in Section 4.2–4.5, let us briefly review here some prevalent industrial wafer-bonding methods …
Bonded solar cells made of various semiconductor materials are reviewed and various types of wafer-bonding methods, including direct bonding and interlayer-mediated …
This paper shows a new semiconductor bonding technology for mechanically stacked multi-junction solar cells. Our strategy is the combination of conductive nanoparticle alignments and …
direct bonding method that allows high quality bonding to occur below 4000C. The resulting bonded interface is mechanically strong, electrically conducting and optically transparent. SBT …
A DJ solar cell bonding with Si cell can result in a higher V oc, while bonding with InGaAs cell can achieve a higher short-circuit current. This study demonstrated the great …
More information on bonding and the project on
A dual-junction, GaAs-InGaAs, mechanically stacked solar cell is demonstrated using a benzocyclobutene adhesive layer with a measured PV conversion efficiency of 25.2% …
It demonstrates that the wafer bonding is a feasible method to combine lattice mismatched different III-V compound materials and realize high efficiency multijunction solar …