It is found that at low irradiance intensity the performance of compensated crystalline silicon solar cells is relatively worse than that of the reference silicon solar cells, while at high temperature it is relatively better than that of the reference silicon solar cells.
It suggests that compensated silicon might be more acceptable for the future of PV industry since the temperature of PV modules is generally higher than 25 °C under real working conditions. Download : Download full-size image Fig. 7. Performance ratio (PR) for the reference and compensated silicon solar cells at different temperatures.
At low irradiance intensity, compensated silicon solar cells show relatively worse performance than the reference silicon solar cells, which has been explained by the strong injection dependence of the carrier lifetime due to the existence of high concentration of B–O complexes in compensated silicon.
The operating temperature plays a key role in the photovoltaic conversion process. Both the electrical efficiency and the power output of a photovoltaic (PV) module depend linearly upon the operating temperature. Solar cells vary under temperature changes; the change in temperature will affect the power output from the cells.
For the same rated output power, compensated crystalline silicon solar cells generate less electricity than the reference silicon solar cells at low irradiance intensity, owing to the strong injection dependence of the carrier lifetime due to high concentration of B–O complexes in compensated silicon.
At the same operating temperature, silicon (Si) heterojunction (SHJ) cells with a relative TC η of −0.29 %/°C present an efficiency of 18.70% [ 3 ], yielding a 0.51% absolute higher efficiency than that of the PERT cells. In general, the performance of Si-based solar cells is reduced at elevated temperatures [ 5 ].
This paper presents an experimental investigation of the temperature coefficients of multicrystalline silicon solar cells. The aim was to determine if some cell …
This article reports on experimental measurements aimed at assessing general theoretical expressions of temperature coefficients in the case of crystalline silicon solar cells. …
At high temperature, the performance of compensated silicon solar cells is relatively better than that of the reference silicon solar cells. For example, the value of PR for …
All the reference cells have consistent measuring ranges of the solar irradiance (0 to 1500 W/sqm) and the temperature (internal and for some models also external) of the sensor cell ( …
Figure 1: I/U characteristics of a polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic cell (active area: 156 mm × 156 mm) ... 25 °C cell temperature; The stated peak powers of PV cells or modules apply to …
We report that the base net doping, the location of the solar cell along the brick and the cell architecture have significant impacts on the temperature coefficients. Moreover, …
For the same rated output power, compensated crystalline silicon solar cells generate less electricity than the reference silicon solar cells at low irradiance intensity, owing …
Solar cells vary under temperature changes; the change in temperature will affect the power output from the cells. This paper discusses the effect of light intensity and …
The dependence of the photovoltaic cell parameter function of the temperature is approximately linear [], and thus, the temperature coefficients of the parameters can be determined experimentally using the linear …
The temperature coefficient (TC) is a critical figure of merit to accurately evaluate the performance of solar cells at various operating temperatures, and hence, …
Analyzing the influence of various processing steps on a solar cell''s temperature sensitivity as well as identifying local inhomogeneity are key parameters to improve temperature coefficients...
Modules based on c-Si cells account for more than 90% of the photovoltaic capacity installed worldwide, which is why the analysis in this paper focusses on this cell type. …
Understanding the variation of the efficiency of solar cells with temperature is important, and until now no comprehensive and general model has been developed that …
3 · a,c,e) The temperature distribution in the middle of the silicon layer of each cell within the PV module obtained under steady-state conditions (T amb = 25 °C, G tot = 1000 W m −2, …
Despite the importance of this phenomenon, PID studies on emerging perovskite PV technologies are still rare; 23–25 for perovskite/silicon tandem solar technologies, 26–34 there are no literature reports to date. For …
This article reports on experimental measurements aimed at assessing general theoretical expressions of temperature coefficients in the case of crystalline silicon solar cells. …
@article{Xiao2014ImpactOS, title={Impact of solar irradiance intensity and temperature on the performance of compensated crystalline silicon solar cells}, …
Figure 1c gives the function f(E)g(E) = n(E), the concentration of electrons in the conduction band.Also shown is the function [1–f(E)]g(E) = p(E), namely, the concentration of …
The PV Asia Pacifi c Conference 2012 was jointly organised by SERIS and the Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APVIA) doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2013.05.072 PV Asia …
Analyzing the influence of various processing steps on a solar cell''s temperature sensitivity as well as identifying local inhomogeneity are key parameters to improve …
However, when operating in the field, they typically operate at higher temperatures and at somewhat lower insolation conditions. In order to determine the power output of the solar cell, …
The temperature effect of PV cells is related to their power generation efficiency, which is an important factor that needs to be considered in the development of PV cells. The …