The future of Samoa's electricity system could go green, a University of Otago study has shown. Pacific Island nations are particularly susceptible to climate change and face high costs and energy security issues from imported fossil fuels. For these reasons many Pacific Island nations have developed ambitious 100 per cent renewable energy targets.
One of Samoa’s main goals for the energy sector is to achieve 70.0 % renewable energy use by the end of 2031, as stipulated in the Pathway for the Development of Samoa (PDS 2021/22- 2025/26). The Energy Account also provides statistics to assess and monitor the progress of that goal.
1. Introduction This publication is the 2nd Energy Accounts ever produced, following the compilation of the first Experimental Energy Account for Samoa using the 2016 Samoa Energy Review by the Ministry of Finance. The Energy Accounts 2020 presents estimates on physical supply and use of energy (in joules1) for Samoa.
Table 1 is a summary of the Energy Supply and Use components for Samoa in 2020. Samoa’s energy supply totaled approximately 5,282 TJ where imported energy products accounted for an estimated 69.8 % (3,689 TJ) of total supply while natural inputs from the environment accounted for the remaining 30.2 % (1,593 TJ). Source: SBS, 2022.
Hence, Overall Total Electricity Production is estimated at 609.2 TJ (Refer PSUT). Conversion: 1 kWh = 3.6 Megajoules; then divide by 1000,000 to convert into Terajoules; or simply divide the kWh by 277,778 to get Terajoules. Note: Electricity Industry own uses and losses. Source: Samoa Trust Estate Corporation.
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE). The ministry provided the information the status of the Biogas Systems in Samoa. Five of the systems have a Daily Gas Production capacity of 5 cubic meters and one with 3 cubic meters. The largest one with 300 cubic meters at Piu is reportedly inactive.
The project contributes to PIGGAREP Greenhouse Gas Abatement goals of CO2 emissions reductions of at least 30% by 2015 as compared to their Business as Usual scenario, and to …
The main purpose of this research was to determine whether Samoa can …
The project contributes to PIGGAREP Greenhouse Gas Abatement goals of CO2 emissions reductions of at least 30% by 2015 as compared to their Business as Usual scenario, and to …
electricity produced by the solar farm offsets a portion of existing diesel-generated electricity, saving approximately 1,900,000 liters of diesel per year, and displacing approximately 5,115 …
The pre-feasibility study by RETScreen revealed that it is possible to offset all the university …
Tesla has announced their solar panels are nearly entirely powering the island of Ta''u in American Samoa.. The island used to depend entirely on imported diesel fuel for its …
Moreover, all the Photovoltaic panels employed in this study were of the Trina solar 330 types, which had similar attributes and performance. According to the study, the …
The project contributes to PIGGAREP Greenhouse Gas Abatement goals of CO2 emissions …
One of Samoa''s main goals for the energy sector is to achieve 70.0 % renewable energy use …
One of Samoa''s main goals for the energy sector is to achieve 70.0 % renewable energy use by the end of 2031, as stipulated in the Pathway for the Development of Samoa (PDS 2021/22- …
The Global Solar Panel Cleaning Market size was exhibited at USD 664.28 million in 2023 and is projected to hit around USD 1505.62 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 12.40% during the …
Perform regular visual inspections: Keep an eye out for any signs of dirt, dust, or debris buildup on your solar panels. Regular checks can help you identify and address potential issues before they escalate. Schedule …
This paper focuses on a feasibility study for a sustainable campus at the National University of Samoa using a grid connected PV system. Information from eight years of historical energy …
Despite generating more than seven megawatts of power and being hailed as an answer to blackouts, Samoa''s solar power plants are unable to steer the country through its …
electricity produced by the solar farm offsets a portion of existing diesel-generated electricity, …
The feasibility study provides an analysis and evaluation of the proposed 400 …
The feasibility study provides an analysis and evaluation of the proposed 400 kW gridconnected solar PV system.
South Korea is the ninth biggest energy consumer and the seventh biggest carbon dioxide emitter in global energy consumption since 2016. Accordingly, the Korean government currently faces …
Despite generating more than seven megawatts of power and being hailed as …
South Pacific Island efforts to reduce dependence on costly and polluting diesel fuel continue, with the installation of 546kW of solar PV across the islands of Samoa – the independent …
This paper focuses on a feasibility study for a sustainable campus at the National University of …
The pre-feasibility study by RETScreen revealed that it is possible to offset all the university electricity consumptions from solar panels from all the university rooftops buildings to achieve …
The study, published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, shows …
This paper provides an overview of the cleaning aspects of solar panels through a literature review. We first discuss the drawbacks of unwanted deposits on solar panels in terms of energy production and efficiency. Existing …