China''s battery technology firm HiNa launched a 100 kWh energy storage power station in 2019, demonstrating the feasibility of sodium batteries for large-scale energy storage.
Emerging technologies such as solid-state batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries, and flow batteries hold potential for greater storage capacities than lithium-ion batteries. Recent developments in …
Lithium-ion batteries keep getting better and cheaper, but researchers are tweaking the technology further to eke out greater performance and lower costs.
The race is on to generate new technologies to ready the battery industry for the transition toward a future with more renewable energy. In this competitive landscape, it''s hard …
So effective are lithium-based cathodes that scientists hoping to make batteries better and more powerful are turning their attention instead to the other, long-overshadowed …
Lithium-sulfur technology could unlock cheaper, better batteries for electric vehicles that can go farther on a single charge. I covered one company trying to make them a …
"Batteries are generally safe under normal usage, but the risk is still there," says Kevin Huang PhD ''15, a research scientist in Olivetti''s group. Another problem is that lithium …
The new material provides an energy density—the amount that can be squeezed into a given space—of 1,000 watt-hours per liter, which is about 100 times greater …
Because lithium-ion batteries are able to store a significant amount of energy in such a small package, charge quickly and last long, they became the battery of choice for new …
Battery technology has emerged as a critical component in the new energy transition. As the world seeks more sustainable energy solutions, advancements in battery technology are transforming electric transportation, renewable …
3 · A typical magnesium–air battery has an energy density of 6.8 kWh/kg and a …
Lithium-ion batteries keep getting better and cheaper, but researchers are tweaking the technology further to eke out greater performance and lower costs.
In a new study published September 5 by Nature Communications, the team used K-Na/S batteries that combine inexpensive, readily-found elements -- potassium (K) and sodium (Na), …
As the world moves away from fossil fuels towards emissions-free electricity, developing safer, more durable batteries is becoming increasingly vital. However, single-use …
The new process increases the energy density of the battery on a weight basis by a factor of two. It increases it on a volumetric basis by a factor of three. Today''s anodes …
A new platform for energy storage. Although the batteries don''t quite reach the energy density of lithium-ion batteries, Varanasi says Alsym is first among alternative chemistries at the system-level. He says 20-foot containers …
5 · Zinc-sulfur batteries have a higher energy density than lithium-ion counterparts, enabling smaller, longer-lasting designs. This could be transformative for renewable energy …
3 · A typical magnesium–air battery has an energy density of 6.8 kWh/kg and a theoretical operating voltage of 3.1 V. However, recent breakthroughs, such as the quasi-solid-state …
This article will discuss the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead in battery technology, and how working together with other industry experts can carve a path forward in …
To create a sodium battery with the energy density of a lithium battery, the team needed to invent a new sodium battery architecture. Traditional batteries have an anode to …
MIT engineers designed a battery made from inexpensive, abundant materials, that could provide low-cost backup storage for renewable energy sources. Less expensive …
With the growth of electric vehicles and renewable energy, the demand for better rechargeable batteries keeps rising. But nothing has yet managed to displace standard lithium-ion technology.