Global Organization

Will the EU expand its battery production base over 2022-2030?

The EU is expected to expand its production base for battery raw materials and components over 2022-2030, and improve its current position and global share. However, dependencies and bottlenecks in the supply chain will remain creating vulnerabilities.

What does the new battery law mean for the EU?

With 587 votes in favour, nine against and 20 abstentions, MEPs endorsed a deal reached with the Council to overhaul EU rules on batteries and waste batteries. The new law takes into account technological developments and future challenges in the sector and will cover the entire battery life cycle, from design to end-of-life.

Does the EU have a battery shortage?

88 Despite Commission initiatives that date back to 2008, the EU’s battery value chain remains strongly dependent on foreign supplies and faces a looming shortage of battery raw materials, in particular after 2030.

Is the EU Industrial Policy on batteries effective?

84 Overall, we conclude that the Commission’s promotion of an EU industrial policy on batteries has been effective, despite shortcomings on monitoring, coordination and targeting, as well as the fact that access to raw materials remains a major strategic challenge for the EU’s battery value chain.

Can the European Union regulate battery production?

The European Union's new battery regulations represent an ambitious effort to regulate the full lifecycle of global battery production. However, questions have been raised about their ability to regulate the social and environmental performance of mining and battery manufacturers.

Will the EU be reliant on battery raw materials?

However, it is likely that the EU will be import reliant to various degrees for primary and processed (batt-grade) materials. Australia and Canada are the two countries with the greatest potential to provide additional and low-risk supply to the EU for almost all battery raw materials.

Batteries: What will the EU''s Critical Raw Materials Act ...

560 GWh battery cell production in 2030. ... P3 assumes that the EU target production capacities for active cathode and anode materials specified in the legislation can be …

Factcheck: 21 misleading myths about electric vehicles

"EV price parity is getting closer, but progress varies by segment and country. Prices for lithium-ion batteries increased for the first time in 2022 and are likely to remain …

Lithium‐ion battery cell production in Europe: Scenarios for …

1.1 Importance of the market and lithium-ion battery production. In the global energy policy, electric vehicles (EVs) play an important role to reducing the use of fossil fuels …

Europe''s quest for home-grown lithium

But there is an experimental process for lithium production that, if successfully scaled up, could produce battery-grade lithium with minimal impact. The city of Bruchsal, in Germany''s Baden-Württemberg region, discovered in …

How old batteries can help power a more sustainable EU

4 · A focus on lithium-based batteries Until now, calculation methodologies, lists of waste or recycling calculation rules hadn''t included lithium-based batteries at their core. As a result, …

Europe set to miss potential for battery material recycling

5 · The 2023 EU Battery Regulation requires industrial batteries to have minimum shares of recycled lithium and nickel, each of 6%, and cobalt of 16% from August 2031, with higher shares five years later.

Council adopts new regulation on batteries and waste batteries

The regulation sets a target for lithium recovery from waste batteries of 50% by the end of 2027 and 80% by the end of 2031, which can be amended through delegated acts …

Europe set to miss potential for battery material recycling

5 · The 2023 EU Battery Regulation requires industrial batteries to have minimum shares of recycled lithium and nickel, each of 6%, and cobalt of 16% from August 2031, with higher …

Making batteries more sustainable, more durable and better …

On Wednesday, Parliament approved new rules for the design, production and waste management of all types of batteries sold in the EU. With 587 votes in favour, nine …

New law on more sustainable, circular and safe batteries enters …

The new Batteries Regulation will ensure that, in the future, batteries have a low carbon footprint, use minimal harmful substances, need less raw materials from non-EU …


The EU is expected to expand its production base for battery raw materials and components over 2022-2030, and improve its current position and global share. However, dependencies and …

Lithium Battery Regulations and Standards in the EU: An Overview

Lithium batteries are subject to various regulations and directives in the European Union that concern safety, substances, documentation, labelling, and testing. These …

New EU Battery Regulations to Impact China and Asia Battery …

Edit by Raymomd 2023/08/23The European Union''s (EU) much-anticipated battery regulations will formally take effect today, following their official announcement 20 days …

Making batteries more sustainable, more durable and …

On Wednesday, Parliament approved new rules for the design, production and waste management of all types of batteries sold in the EU. With 587 votes in favour, nine against and 20 abstentions, MEPs endorsed a deal …

Greening the global battery chain? Critical reflections on the EU''s ...

Approved in June 2023, the European Union''s new battery regulations (2023/1542) represent what is arguably the most comprehensive effort on the part of a single …

Top 17 Lithium-ion (Li-ion) Batteries Companies in …

Contracts and agreements related to lithium-ion battery production (as of October 2023) Overview: SK Innovation, headquartered in South Korea, is a leading energy and chemical company with a focus on …

Lithium Batteries

Lithium battery projects with cell production requiring lithium supply have been announced by LG Chem (Poland), SK Innovation (Hungary), Terra E Holding (Germany), andNorthvolt …

Battery technology and recycling alone will not save the electric ...

Historical cobalt stocks and flows at global and regional scales. The global anthropogenic cobalt cycle (Fig. 1) includes five transformation processes: mining, refining, …

Green Deal: EU agrees new law on more sustainable and circular ...

New rules for production, recycling and repurposing of batteries Once the new law enters into force, sustainability requirements on carbon footprint, recycled content and performance and …

Special report 15/2023: The EU s industrial policy on batteries

zero-emission goal for 2035 will not be reached due to insufficient battery production, or that it will be reached on the basis of imported batteries or electric vehicles, to the detriment of the EU …

Overview of the European Lithium Battery Industry | SMM

European lithium battery industry with broad prospects and uncertainties. In 2022, there are approximately 70GWh of lithium battery be produced in Europe, which is a …


With its Strategic Action Plan for Batteries, the EU made clear in 2018 its ambition to be a global leader in sustainable battery production. The intention to apply new rules to the battery sector …