Global Organization

How much electricity does Mali use?

Mali’s population in 2013 was 16.59 million, as shown in Table 1 (World Bank, 2016). In 2015, total electricity produced was 225 ktoe, of which 58.2 per cent came from fossil fuels, 38.6 per cent from hydro and 2.6 per cent from biofuels and waste (Table 2). Final consumption of electricity in 2015 was 145 ktoe (AFREC, 2015).

What is the electrification rate in Mali?

The national electrification rate of Mali was 25.6 per cent in 2012 (Table 3 and Figure 4). In rural areas, this falls to 11.9 per cent while in urban areas it is 50.4 per cent (World Bank, 2015); (World Bank, 2016).

Why is biomass important in Mali?

Mali has extensive biomass resources including forests which are under pressure to provide fuel wood to satisfy the domestic energy requirements of the growing population. Eighty per cent of national energy supply is provided by biomass and this contributes to the deforestation rate of 4,000 km2 every year (REEEP, 2012).

Who provides electricity services in Mali?

provides electricity services with the support of local private energy companies, the Rural Electrification and Domestic Energy Agency (AMADER) and the Rural Electrification Fund. On a regional level, Mali is a member of West African Power Pool. The legal framework is provided by the ECOWAS Protocol on Energy 2003, which Mali has ratified.

What is Mali's hydropower potential?

Mali’s hydropower potential is just over 1,000 MW mainly from the Niger and Senegal Rivers. So far, only 22 per cent of this potential has been exploited (REEEP, 2012). Existing power plants include the Sélingué on the Sankarani river, an ofshoot of River Niger, and the Manantali, Gouina and Félou plants on the Senegal River.

Does Manantali Dam provide electricity to Mali and Mauritania?

Under the auspices of the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River, the Manantali dam provides electricity for Mali, Senegal and Mauritania. There are also numerous sites suitable for small hydro plants (REEEP, 2012). power generation) to 7 m/s (REEEP, 2012).

Annual average of direct solar radiation on Egypt.

However, Egypt is located in the sun belt of the earth, thereby receiving abundant solar energy that can be usefully harnessed with an annual average of direct solar radiation of about 2000-3200 ...


Mali - Solar Radiation Measurement Data Data repository for solar and meteorological ground measurements from a network of weather stations in West Africa. The data is provided in the …

Global distribution of annual solar radiation in kWh/m …

In view of this, the potential of solar energy available to Mali, and the constant increase in the operating cost of thermal power stations, in 2006, the government of Mali adopted the...

Optimum Solar Panel Tilt Angle for Maximum …

For maximum annual insolation a solar panel must be facing south as recommended by most previously published works (see [1][2][3][4][5][6] [7] [8] The main issue with these distributions is that ...

The Effect of Latitude Differences, Sunshine Periods, Solar Radiation ...

The province of Adana has an annual total of 1568.49 kWh, whereas the province of Istanbul has a total of 1327 kWh radiation. When the annual sunshine periods are …

Global distribution of annual solar radiation in kWh/m 2 …

In view of this, the potential of solar energy available to Mali, and the constant increase in the operating cost of thermal power stations, in 2006, the government of Mali adopted the...

Hourly 5-km surface total and diffuse solar radiation in China, …

In recent years, research on quantitative estimation of surface total solar radiation (R s) and diffuse solar radiation (R dif) has attracted growing interest in view of its …

Estimation of hourly solar irradiation on tilted surfaces

Solar radiation. This is an open ... The total solar irradiation on the horizontal plane at the top of the atmosphere ... [41] mod el for an annual scenario; v) model 5 is the …

Estimation of wind and solar resources in Mali

4) Estimates of wind and solar resources in Mali 5) Screening of feasible applications of wind and solar energy in Mali, using the wind and solar maps for Mali The project is being carried out by …

Solar Resource Maps and Data | Geospatial Data Science | NREL

This map provides annual average total daily solar resource from PSM v3 at a resolution of 0.038-degree latitude by 0.038 longitude (nominally 4 km x 4 km). The insolation values represent …

Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) for Mali (© 2019 The World …

Mali receives some of the highest levels of annual radiation in Africa due to its latitude with an annual average of 2,200 kWh/m2. Fig. 4 shows the Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) for...

Assessment of solar radiation resource and photovoltaic power …

The findings reveal that the nationwide annual mean solar radiation resources were decreasing at an estimated attenuation of −0.83 W·m −2 ·decade −1, ... In total, there …

4.3.1: The Radiation Balance

Scattering is a process whereby a beam of radiation is broken down into many weaker rays redirected in other directions. Together, direct and diffuse shortwave radiation …

UNdata | record view | Global Solar Radiation

WMO data provide the basis for better understanding the climatology of severe weather and extreme events such as tropical cyclones, El Niño, floods, heat waves, cold waves, droughts …

Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) for Mali (© 2019 …

Mali receives some of the highest levels of annual radiation in Africa due to its latitude with an annual average of 2,200 kWh/m2. Fig. 4 shows the Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) for...

Analysis of the total, annual, and inter-annual hourly mean direct ...

Calculations of the daytime values of the hourly direct solar normal irradiation: total, annual, and inter-annual. Hourly direct solar normal irradiation (({overline{H} }_{b})) …


Solar Mali - Solar Radiation Measurement Data Last Updated: January 16, 2023 Countries: Mali Regions: Africa Views:


completed for Mali (FRSE, 2016). Solar Measurements of solar radiation are over 5 kWh/ m2/day and in 2015, about 1 ktoe of electricity generated was from solar or wind (REEEP, 2012), …

Estimation of wind and solar resources in Mali

abundant national renewable energy resources, such as hydro-energy, solar energy, wind energy, biomass residues from agriculture, and energy crops producing liquid biofuel. Since the 1980s, …

Global Solar Atlas

Specifically for Mali, country factsheet has been elaborated, including the information on solar resource and PV power potential country statistics, seasonal electricity generation variations, LCOE estimates and cross-correlation with …


Data repository for solar and meteorological ground measurements from a network of weather stations in West Africa. The data is provided in the framework of the West …