Your roof will need to be large enough to fit a suitable number of solar panels, as there’s rarely much point putting just two or three panels up there. The average solar panel takes up 2m², and your installer should leave around 40cm on each side of the array, as well as 3cm between every panel.
If the sun sets in front of you, it’s west-facing; if it sets to the left, it’s north-facing; and if it sets on the opposite side of the property, it’s east-facing. Here's how an installer will decide if your roof is suitable for solar panels, including assessing its direction, usable space, and loft.
What's the best roof pitch for solar panels? The best roof pitch for solar panels is between 30-40°, but the angle of the roof can fall outside of this range and generate electricity effectively. Solar panels can still absorb sunlight even when horizontal.
As long as your roof is pitched, has enough unshaded space, and doesn’t contain spray foam insulation underneath, it should be suitable for solar panels. The large majority of UK roofs are more than capable of supporting solar panels for as long as you need them to.
South facing roof panels see the sun when it is at its most intense for the longest period of time, which is why they generate the most energy. However, this doesn't mean that east or west facing roofs can't also be suitable for solar panels.
Most UK roofs are strong enough to hold solar panels for their entire lifespan – which can last 40 years or more. This is because a solar panel system usually weighs about 20kg per square metre, which the great majority of roofs can hold. However, flat roofs may not always be strong enough for solar panels.
Solar panels are suitable for most UK homes, but there are a few things to …
Solar panels are suitable for most UK homes, but there are a few things to consider when checking your roof suitability for solar panels: Which way is my roof facing? …
With over 3 million Australians already enjoying low energy bills thanks to rooftop solar, there has never been a better time to go solar. Although it might seem like a lot of money to pay for an investment that you can''t see, it is …
Considering if your roof is suitable for solar panels depends on a variety of factors including orientation, material, age, condition, and shading. By considering these factors and the financial aspects of solar panels, you should …
As long as your roof is pitched, has enough unshaded space, and doesn''t …
The diagram above indicates how different roof orientations can impact how suitable your roof is for solar panels. The best type of roof for solar panels is a south-facing …
What do I need to pay attention to before and after installation? What kind of photovoltaic panels are suitable for my house? Facing these questions, I hope you get everything you want to know through this article.
A solar panel helps turn sunlight into electricity. Pros are less CO2, lower utility bills and tax credits. Cons are high install costs and roof specs.
Evaluating your roof''s condition is one of the most important steps to take before committing to installing solar panels. If your roof is not in good shape prior to the installation of the solar …
As long as your roof is pitched, has enough unshaded space, and doesn''t contain spray foam insulation underneath, it should be suitable for solar panels. The large …
A medium-sized household of up to 4 people typically needs a 4-5kW solar system (equal to 8 – 13 panels, each 350W or 450W). Solar panels will cost between £2,500 – £13,000 excluding …
A professional solar installer can assess your roof space and energy requirements to design a system that maximises efficiency within the available area. They''ll …
"Should I replace my roof before installing solar panels?" is one of the most commonly asked questions by homeowners considering solar panel installation. This is because a well …
In short, the question of whether to repair or replace the roof should be easier to answer in just a few minutes. The info starts with identifying whether a roof can be repaired …
What do I need to pay attention to before and after installation? What kind of photovoltaic panels are suitable for my house? Facing these questions, I hope you get everything you want to …
The best roof pitch for solar panels is between 30-40°, but the angle of the roof can fall outside of this range and generate electricity effectively. Solar panels can still absorb sunlight even when …
Determining if your roof is suitable for solar panel installation involves assessing sunlight exposure, roof type, size, condition, orientation, pitch, and shading. While it may seem …
At My Generation Energy, we know that a good roof is essential to a long-lasting solar panel system that continues to deliver reliable, free electricity for years and years. After 14 years in business, and with more than …